Request an essence specially curated for YOU!   

Would you like a little extra support in your selection?

Let’s Connect!

We currently have 3 options for you to choose from depending on the depth of interaction you seek. These will help us get clearer on what you are looking for by asking you to share some themes that are coming up for you. More details below.

Sacred Connection Session $25

  • Correspondence through email to find 1-2 relevant flower essence(s) for you at this time Including additional emails for answering any questions you may have.

Divine Connection Consultation $60

  • Telephone or virtual conversation to discover 1-2 themes that have been coming up for you. This will help determine the flower essence(s) that could be beneficial for you.

  • Meditation done by me to hone in on specific essences that could be beneficial for you.

  • E-mail correspondence for additional questions and follow up.

Custom-Made Flower Essence Specifically for You from $250

  • This is an essence that is specially prepared for you! From the initial conversation, to making the Mother Essence to preparing your bottle, it’s tailored to you from start to finish.

  • Included is a telephone or virtual conversation to discover the specific divine energy that you would like to bring into your custom-made essence. *

  • Meditation done by me to hone in on specific flowers that could be beneficial for you.

  • A special flower essence tailored specifically for you prepared from start to finish.

  • You will receive a bottle of your flower essence. Free shipping is included.

  • E-mail correspondence for additional questions and follow up.

    Upon purchasing this Custom-Made Flower Essence, we will reach out to you within 24 hours via email to set up a time that works to connect. This will start the conversation to begin creating an essence from scratch for you!

    * If travel is requested, reimbursement will be required.

    This session expires 1 year after purchase date.