Our Process
HOW: Each of these sacred essences are carefully and respectfully prepared under the guided watch of Mother Earth. We use both the no-cut and cut methods, where the flowers are gathered in clean fresh water. They are then placed in the Sun’s or the Moon’s rays for several hours, taking into consideration the cycles of the moon and rhythms of nature. We may also add sacred stones for assistance.
PREPARATION: Our STOCK bottles are prepared from the mother essence for you to make your own dosage bottles. These are stronger mixtures and require dilution. Our DOSAGE bottles are ready for you to take directly from the dropper bottle with no further dilution. These vibrational essences have no byproducts in them and produce no taste or scent. The listed preservatives will add longer shelf life to your essences and may add a subtle flavor. BRANDY will last the longest at around 10+ years if a stock bottle is purchased or around 3 years if a dosage bottle is purchased. RAW APPLE CIDER VINEGAR, and GLYCERINE will last about 18 months. The shelf life of your essence will last the longest if you store it in a cool, dark place away from electronics or strong odors.
USAGE: Always listen to your body, but a good starting point is to take 4 drops under your tongue or in water, 4 times a day for as long as you feel you need them. It is the frequency of taking these, not the quantity, that is most effective. Four times a day is generally adequate. You may also add a couple of drops to various pressure points on the body, in your bath, or in a mist sprayer. Essences made with glycerine will not be adequate for misting as they will be sticky.
Can I take more than one essence? This is primarily up to you. You may choose to take one at a time to closely monitor your energy shifts. Or you may choose to take more than one at a time, as some essences compliment each other. This will create a more dynamic essence that you may feel ready for. It is very beneficial to set your intentions before taking these essences. You may notice more of a change when taking several essences for one issue, instead of one essence for many different issues. These essences are very safe and do not interfere with other treatments. Since it affects your emotional body, if you don’t need it, then your body will release it, creating no effect for you. When using these essences, less is more. Think of a drop of water creating a ripple effect. The more diluted the essence the more effect it may have.
ALCOHOL CONTENT: When taking essences from a Dosage bottle - or creating your own Dosage bottle from a Stock bottle - as long as the appropriate dosage is taken, these dilution methods are adequate to ensure that any alcohol ingested is minimal. Especially if the drops are then diluted in an 8 ounce glass of water. According to the Flower Essence Society website: “… Dilution methods ensure that any alcohol ingested is chemically and physiologically insignificant, approximately one part in 600 when diluted in a one-ounce (30 ml) dosage bottle, or one part in 4,800 in a eight-ounce glass of water. This is less than one hundredth of one percent. Greater amounts of alcohol naturally occur in the human bloodstream through the process of digestion and fermentation of food.” However, I also offer Apple Cider Vinegar and Glycerine options instead of Brandy.
Flower essences are not endorsed by the Federal Drug Administration. Consult your primary care consultant before partaking in any new health product and especially if you have a serious medical condition, are pregnant, nursing or taking medication. The buyer is responsible for their own body and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
To date, all of our essences have been made in the USA. In the future, we hope to expand our collection to other sacred places.
Are you ready to find yours?
Interested in learning to make your own, or having a custom made remedy?